How many of you Real Estate or Design Professional don’t realize that you have a terrible disease called “Negative Self-Talk” and How it’s Destroying your life and business finance.

Now for those of you who don’t know me my name is Natalie Cousins, I’m a business consultant and I work with Real Estate and Design Professionals to remove and avoid burnout and overwhelm from your business by teaching systematic processes that increase your productivity and money.

I’ve been in the design and real estate industry over 15 years I became a consultant because of my passion to nurture and build realtors and designers.

I must say my road to success was not easy but I consider my hurdles test and today they are my testimonies and I use them as a tool with my clients to aid them with avoidance tools.

I live day-to-day impacting many design and real estate professionals lives and Business on a daily basis.

A lot of you don’t realize the negative thoughts you put into the atmosphere and universe on daily basis. You consistently say things like.

“I’ve never been good with money.”

“I hate budgets.”

“I’ll never be a 6-figure earner.”

“My market won’t pay premium prices.”

If you’ve ever heard these statements come out of your mouth—or even in your head—then you’re engaging in a damaging habit known as negative self-talk. By telling yourself these lies (and yes, they are lies) you’re reinforcing the beliefs that go along with them.

Remember negative bread negative, which takes away from the positive. What you say, visualize and believe is what becomes true.

Tell yourself that you’re not good with money, and you won’t be. Believe that budgets are horrible chores to be reviled, and you’ll resist creating one. Convince yourself that you can’t earn a 6-figure income, and you won’t.

It’s not “the secret.” It’s a scientific fact. Known as a self-fulfilling prophecy, this kind of self-talk results in poor performance simply because we act as if it’s already true.

So if you tell yourself that you’ll never be a 6-figure earner, you will not do the things that 6-figure business owners do.

You won’t work to grow into the next price point for working with buyers, because in your mind “No one wants to buy $500,000.00 home from you anyway” you don’t have enough experience,

You won’t increase your rates or design package rates or consultation fees because in your mind you keep saying “It’s not like I’m some top-earning designer”,

And you won’t build a brand worthy of a 6-figure income because you keep saying “A beautiful brand isn’t necessary at this income level”. You keep hearing yourself.

By contrast, if you act and think as if you already are a 6-figure earner, you’ll approach your business quite differently. Your confidence level will increase. You’ll present a very different brand to your prospective clients. You’ll go out of your way to connect with those who can and will afford to pay your higher rates.

So let me share with you how I Combat Negative Self Talk!

The first step toward changing your negative self-talk is to simply acknowledge that you do it.

Tick a mental checkbox every time you catch yourself making negative statements, whether out loud or in your head.

Make a note of the ones that come up most often for you, and identify their origin if you can.

For example, if your ex continually berated you for your spending habits, chances are your “I’m no good with money” mantra can be laid right at his or her feet.

It’s time to turn that thinking around. The next time you catch yourself saying “I’m no good with money,” Take a minute to recall 5 instances where you were good with money. Maybe you paid off your credit cards, saved for a house, or built an emergency fund.

Rephrase your self-talk to, “I used to be bad with money [if that’s true], but now I make smart choices to achieve my goals.”

Just as negative self-talk becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, so does positive self-talk. Reframe your thinking, and your business finances will certainly improve.

So what’s really holding you back from stopping all this negative self-talk?

Chances are, it’s not what you think. In fact, for most real estate and design professionals, the reason they aren’t enjoying the income they deserve has little to do with talent and skill because you’ve got plenty of both, but everything to do with your mindset.

That’s right, it really is all in your head. You suffer from your long-held beliefs about money which only keep you stuck right where are at. You can’t really visualize a 6- or 7-figure income, so you never achieve it. You think we’re bad at managing money, so you are.

You believe your market won’t support a higher price point, so you subconsciously continue to appeal to a market that can’t afford us.

Does this Sound familiar? Well, today I have a fix for you (and it’s completely FREE)!

Join me Wednesday, March 28, 2018, at 8 pm EST on social media for a FREE live training, where I talk about the 5 Money Mistakes Real Estate and Design Professionals Make, how to reverse them and The Mindset Steps That Will Transform Your Business and Income.

I’ll give you solid action steps you can use to finally do away with those self-limiting beliefs and damaging money habits that continue to hold you back.

Register here

You don’t have to stay stuck. You can build a thriving business that not only serves others but provides you with a great income, too.It’s easy once you know what’s really holding you back.

Again I’m Natalie Cousins, your business consultant to the real estate and design industry. As always thanks for joining me, don’t forget to like subscribe, and share this content.